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The creatures of Arsgri and Soiearra at large are divided into many classes; the one taxonomy most used, however, is relative power level related to the Soul. At the very top stand the unreachable Absolute beings; creatures outside of the taxonomy and soul system altogether, and at the very bottom exist common beasts, relatively low-powered and mundane. The most widely recognized category is the Zrah, because of their unique power level and abilities, which place them outside of the scope and power of any ordinary creature, walking among them as G-ds.

Zeniiv (Absolute beings)

Creatures of unlimited, total and undefined power. They are vestiges and living, physical representations or effigies of the Absolute, which is perfect, immortal and not alive.

Zrah (Ascended beings)

Zrah or alternatively gariette are immortal creatures of incredible power and capability, possessing a supernova soul. Typically called G-ds, having been touched in one way or another by the Absolute and unmatched in power, they are widely worshiped or feared across lands and history. They are effigies of concepts, emotions, or realities of the world that then define them. Killing a gariette is difficult, but possible, though their essence cannot be destroyed and their death create avatars, through which they are wont to rise again once circumstances allow them.

Elder divine beings

Creatures of divine power typically regarded as lesser G-ds. They possess souls taking the form of supermassive stars, quasars, neutron stars, nebulae and minor black holes.

Followers of the Void

Rhaegan has created many lesser G-ds of incredible power because of the way it calls to creatures or births its own. The souls of these creatures have collapsed into or were already born as black holes, and as such, they carry some form of the Absolute and are truly immortal and unkillable. They are deeply loyal to Rhaegan and can be found in places strongly influenced by the Void. Often broadly called Voidkin.

Old G-ds

These are often ancient G-ds from the creation of the Universe whose influence is specific and stable, though relatively low in power and ability. Their souls are often neutron stars or small, longlived red stars, though in some cases the Old G-d has long since lost most of its power and lives on as a remnant with the power of a white dwarf. Old G-ds are often disinterested in contest or dominance, and revel in their niches, though they can rise to significant power through their worshippers' actions. Old G-ds can be killed.

The Blazing Kin

Unique and often solitary creatures that have attained great power in birth and create domains suited to their needs. In comparison to the Old Ones, which do not require much sustenance and live off the energy of the Universe's birth, the Blazing Kin need to feed to maintain their existence, and as such they often function as predators or place their domains near natural sources of power..

Higher beings

All creatures that posses great power and capability with soul energy, but are not of divine status, though they are often worshipped all the same. Their souls take the forms of main sequence stars and giants. Includes the children of G-ds and artificial beings manufactured by G-ds.

Common beings

All the different species that inhabit Arsgri and have not attained divine status.


1. In Search of Architecture's G-d in The G-dseeker's Guide

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