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Names Pronouns First Appearance Status Common Form Known For Affiliated With
Naasva, Entropy, Chaos any/all The beginning of time Active formless, described as quivering The constant of entropy and enemy of order Grand Lie, children of Chaos

Chaos (rel. Naasva), also known as the Formless, Entropy, The Quivering Light and The Hands That Weave Dissarayis the fourth Absolute power in Arsgri, representing the constant of all things falling into disorder; that no order may last, and all must become chaos. It is the only Absolute without a physical representation. Many think this is fitting.


Chaos is often put forward as a destructive, harmful force, even if it is simply a natural process of the universe, inherent to its imperfect nature. As such, Chaos is seen as a representation of said imperfection, and the cause of it; the one force keeping the Universe from flawlessness, and as such, Absolution. It is the power that emerged when the Universe ceased to be perfect, dead and Absolute. The prerequisite to life.

Natural influence

Chaos is formless and does not have a physical representation nor form anywhere in the Universe, but it does have a zrah that serves as one; Grand Lie. This G-d is able to channel many abilities unique to Chaos, such as being able to break foundational laws imposed by the influence of other Absolute powers, such as exceeding the speed of light and going back in time.


Chaos is associated with the color yellow, and with gold, but also clashing contrasts and psychedelic imagery. This appears in Chaos' effigy Grand Lie, whose many forms bear bright, golden eyes with black scleras atop many swirling, everchanging palettes.

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