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Names Pronouns First Appearance Status Common Form Base of Operations Known For Affiliated With
Architect, Truth, Magpie King, The Wrath Of Truth That Knows No Mercy any/all Age of Anarchy Active in non-ascended form, a bipedal four-armed creature with a large icy crest for a head city of Echir architectural accomplishments and her joint projects with Arumis Arumis, Grand Lie, the City of Echir Council

Chorach (relifica for cold truth, chor rach), also often referred to as The Architect, The Magpie Mother/Father or The Wrath of Cold That Has No Mercy or simply The Truth, is one of the youngest zrah in Arsgri, being an elder solely to Azharrraja. They are the G-d of Truth but often are also understood as having power over cold, mercy, the Empty (Light) Void and infinity. They reside in Deep Arsgri in the city of Echir, which they built in the Frozen Plains and which serves as the only permanent settlement and sanctuary in an area otherwise lethal and desolate.

Chorach is the only G-d which has a non-Ascended form in which they normally reside and thus can and does Ascend repeatedly, however, they still possess incredible power even without Ascending, while Chorach's Ascended form is physically entirely harmless as it is completely incorporeal, passing through any and all objects and often invisible. Chorach's influence thus mostly appears in objects and especially architecture, such as the Truth Spires or the Field of Obelisks. The true extent or form of Chorach's power is not well understood.


Chorach first spawned in the Frozen Wastes of Deep Arsgri's Frozen World. Having been a sorcerer in their past life, they could not easily cope with the total loss of their ability to perform magic and ended up nearly becoming a Magpie Wraith, some signs of which still appear on all their forms. They were found by Acheron, a servant of Grand Lie, who taught them the language of Relifica and took them to Grand Lie, after which Chorach underwent Grand Lie's consequence ritual to join their cause and become one of the Entity Hunters who make sure no entity escapes Arsgri to destroy or feast on the living world.

This was work which made Chorach the enemy of many powerful individuals and because Grand Lie does not protect his servants as much as merely enables them to channel his power, Chorach fell victim to multiple battles with powerful entities such as Kalazakchi and during one of such encounters was stabbed through the back by the Spear of Souls, rendering them paraplegic. In another fight not long after, Chorach was pushed to the brink and Ascended.

After their Ascension, Chorach and his immediate peers left Grand Lie's cause and formed the city of Echir, which Chorach themselves built across their many years as an Entity Hunter as a form of seeking purpose.

Ascended form

In Ascended form, Chorach appears as a leviathan, a snake-like enormous creature often reaching planet or system-size proportions and entirely composed of an ice-like material that is incorporeal and can pass through seemingly any object. This material is transparent and reacts with light, creating sharp crystal-like reflections. In entirely dark conditions, Chorach's Ascended form often produces a very weak white glow.



Chorach is associated with cold and ice, and following that, the colors white and blue (often cyan). Her brutalist landmarks have thoroughly connected that style of architecture with the Truth as well, hand in hand with the industrialism of Arumis, as the two's major architectural achievements across the whole of the Deep have been interconnected and often appear as one.

None is as clear a symbol for Chorach as magpies. It is possible that through them, Chorach is, in this way, expressing a certain admiration and respect for the Magpie Wraiths and their fate that he themselves almost fell to, and honoring the image of an otherwise negatively seen beast of the Frozen World. Magpie Wraiths crowd near the city of Echir often, and here, they are docile; several of them guard the Field of Pillars as well.


The magpies themselves are a mechanical, artificial lifeform, given soul and life by Chorach herself as her greatest act of architecture. Capable of living without maintenance for thousands of years, they spread out into the world, both within Arsgri and within the Arches, and record the history of the place they have chosen to observe with an immensely powerful scanning ability and using one of Chorach's columns as both a conduit and a form of sustenance. These pillars, appearing from lone columns to groups of four, have become a universal symbol of the Truth and its widespread, inherent influence that appears in even the most remote of corners of the universe, and played a role in many myths and stories when creatures stumble upon them without any knowledge of Chorach at all.

This makes it the second attempt by a G-d to record the history of the Universe, though many believe that there is more to it than mere documentation, and that this is an act of divine meddling at a wider, far subtler and pervasive level than even Vitravnen's sweeping changes and a reflection of the merciless, cruel and vicious nature of Truth; using Chorach as its vessel to spread its power to some unknown, Absolute end.

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