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Names Pronouns First Appearance Status Common Form Base of Operations Known For Affiliated With
Vitravnen, the King, Raven he/him Ancient Times Active Caucasian human man, long hair, ~205cm, unnaturally and completely white at every part of the body including the eyes Koriatty (formerly), City of Arsgri (formerly) the King of Arschei (twice), creation of the Kalazakchi, the founding of the City of Arsgri Ga'ex (formerly), the Divine Council

Painting of a white raven holding a spear

Vitravnen (relifica for White Raven), also often called the Five, Creator, the King or simply The Raven is one of the divine entities of Arsgri described as gariette. He belongs between the first two gariette to ever exist (the first ever one being Ga'ex) and is the creator and origin of many entities, structures and even worldscapes within Arsgri and the Soiearra at large; the Koriatty, the remaking of the Elder Ocean, the Kalazakchi, and the Drivers. Two different versions of Vitravnen are recognized separately because of generational and temporal divide but are still recorded under the Vitravnen as an entity. These two versions are most often differenciated as Old Vitravnen and New Vitravnen (alternatively also First and Second), although the Old Vitravnen is used much less often, most creatures preferring simply "Vitravnen".

The relifican names used for the different versions are Vitravnen for the Old Vitravnen and Ataravnen (Second Raven), Rava Chiire (Young Little Raven) and Hax Arschei (the Arschei King) for the New Vitravnen. The latter is very rare, mostly because of New Vitravnen's dislike for the relifica language and his attempt at its supression, which caused the rarity of genuinely respectful titles in said language unless sarcasm or scorn was involved.


Old Vitravnen

The Old Vitravnen (First Vitravnen, or commonly just Vitravnen), often called Creator, G-d of G-ds, and The King is a largely mythical figure from the Ancient Times. The First Vitravnen was the being responsible for the creation of the City of Arsgri, the Koriatty itself as a realm and both the original two Kalazakchi, Seuor and Faithintadenienx.

New Vitravnen

The New Vitravnen (Second Vitravnen), often called the Five, The White Raven, Divine Light or G-d of Dust is the creature which ruled over Arschei between the eras of the Kalazakchi and the Divine Council, and is most commonly known as the person responsible for the renovation of the Elder Ocean and the popularization of the English language within Arschei, hence the anglicization of relifica.



Vitravnen is associated with the colors white, silver and gray, as well as gothic architecture and many rare metals, especially platinum. His connection with gold has been on the decline due to Grand Lie's Ascension. The most recognizable symbol of Vitravnen, however, is his own title - the white raven, whose form rising to the sky with wings and tail spread makes up the sigil of Vitravnen.

A strong connection exists also between Vitravnen and all kinds of order; royalty and the ruling often carrying the White Raven's sigil or an image or rendition of one of his forms, incomporating it into their own symbolism as a wish for support in their reign. Ravens (especially leucistic ravens) and other corvids are frequently kept on royal grounds as prized pets, or aides, as many rituals exist that claim to be able to reach Vitravnen's wisdom through a raven, as he is G-d of them all.

Due to his association with ruling, leading, and glow, he is also often called the guiding light. Many lighthouses carry foundations or lanterns inscribed with Vitravnen's symbols, titles, or written prayers; may they serve well, and the ships that pass by see their beacons, guiding them on sea to safety.

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